The British Parliament and the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
British Parliamentary members consistently prove themselves to be venal traitors to their own country. A perfect example of this is their collective support for the World Health Organisation's (WHO) sinister Pandemic Treaty, which I first wrote about in March:
'The challenge wasn't Covid-19 but the obliteration of entire economies and civil liberties by global governments in response to it. The treaty's 'One Health' mantra promotes one-world government, and has sinister overtones with both fascism and socialism through the concept of the 'greater good', used to crush dissent.
'The WHO also states that the treaty will heed the lessons that need to be learnt from Covid-19 'pandemic'. But these are not the lessons that should be learnt but rather a sinister threat that more punitive measures will be imposed on a global population in the name of a 'pandemic'. Those dominating the WHO, from assorted despots and their love of tyranny to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (GF) and its vaccine obsession, will be given unlimited power to oppress billions in the name of 'health'. Given this, it's realistic to expect that this treaty will result in far more brutal future lockdowns, vaccine and mask mandates than those perpetrated in the past two years.
This power grab will enable the WHO to annul national constitutions and governments, and dictate a global response to pandemics; using its own warped definition of the term.'
Under the leadership of the embattled Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and his Junta, the UK is a signatory to this global malignancy, and so has handed over British sovereignty to the WHO. Together with its parental organisation, the anti-West United Nations (UN), the WHO is guilty of imposing a global medical tyranny.
Given the lack of protest among the depraved, elitist lunatics who dominate Westminster, it would seem that they all support the Treaty. Most telling is this letter, written by Conservative Party peer Lord Syed Kamall1 on the 9 June, in response to queries raised by his colleague, Sir Mike Penning,2 on the Pandemic Treaty.
Kamall is a fully paid-up member of the Covid Cult3, a champion of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines4, and a violator of the Nuremberg Code. 5 His pro-Brexit stance is marred by his woke racism, epitomised by his description of the European Union (EU) as a 'project of white privilege'. 6
He also sat on the House of Lord's pernicious Covid-19 Committee from June - September 2021. 7 A report released by the Committee 8 in the same year shows its support for digital surveillance, a curious stance given that it was established in the name of a bad flu virus with a low mortality rate:
'However, the response that was provided seems to indicate that the whole of Government has not yet fully caught up with the transformational nature, in terms of digital acceleration and the hybrid world everyone is now operating in, of the pandemic and the implications that therefore this will have on the development of public policy across Government.'
9 The Covid-19 Committee's recommendation that the government should impose a more efficient form of digital slavery is proof that the House of Lords is not on the side of freedom and democracy.
Kamall is a typical member of the socialist/fascist Labour Lite Greenie party, which masquerades as the Tories. So it's unsurprising that he is a cheerleader for the WHO, which is dominated by the GF and other assorted megalomaniacs and dictators.
As I showed in my TCW series on the GF, the WHO is responsible for money laundering from the West to give to despotic nations in the name of 'health':
'The GF continues to donate to the WHO. Its 2020 financial contribution was over $573.5million.
The WHO’s list of top 20 donors for the two-year budget cycle of 2018 and 2019 shows the GF coming second only to the US (their $893million donation accounting for 20 per cent of the WHO’s budget) with a $531 million donation (equal to 12 per cent of WHO’s budget). The GF and Gavi together outstrip all single country donations, except that of the US.
In 2017 the GF became an official partner of the WHO. The GF’s influence over the WHO is well-documented and the two organisations are near-synonymous. Since its inception the GF has given $54.8billion to a multitude of organisations. It has expanded globally, opening offices in Beijing in 2007 and London in 2010, and funding works in 135 countries. A letter from President Xi Jinping to Bill Gates, which you can read here, suggests Gates’s closeness to the Chinese Communist Party.'10
The megalomaniacal GF is not the only malevolent force controlling the WHO.
So is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), now the world's superpower after selling destructive lockdown propaganda to the West.11 This should be of great concern to anyone concerned with (real) human rights. Not only is the CCP a vicious colonising power via its Belt and Road Initiative 12 but it also persecutes Muslims, Christians and Jews. 13 14 15 16
Like the UN, the WHO also has form when it comes to anti-Semitism. 17 Why have successive British governments given billions of taxpayers' money to these organisations given that they are run by anti-West, Jew hating tyrants? 18 Why is a Tory peer advocating for a corrupt organisation that clearly hates Jews and the West?19
Kamall's letter to Penning is chilling stuff, especially his promise to implement all the treaties signed with the UN, including the Pandemic Treaty:
'Through these treaties, the UK…made commitments to each other, and…provided for international organisations themselves to assist with and monitor implementation of those treaties'
This means the governance of Britain will be handed over to those who hate it.
He also illustrates an astonishing inability to practice joined up thinking, admitting that the Pandemic Treaty is 'legally binding' yet contradicts himself by stating that 'any treaty will not hand over the governance of health in the UK to the WHO'. How worrying that a Peer of the Realm is capable of such self-deception.
Showing his useful idiot credentials, Kamall also parrots that favoured WHO mantra of despots everywhere: 'no one is safe until we all safe'. 20 The word 'safe' has never sounded as Orwellian and sinister as it does now, especially when preached by the WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a man suspected of genocide. His speech given on the 30 March to the European Council, promoting the Pandemic Treaty, is frankly terrifying:
'This treaty would strengthen the implementation of the International Health Regulations, and critically, it would also provide a framework for international cooperation and solidarity.'21
The Pandemic Treaty also signs Britain up to the equally horrifying International Health Regulations, which dictates that countries must 'make sure surveillance systems can detect acute public health events in a timely matter', 22 and that the WHO commits to 'supporting Member States in their efforts to assess their existing national public health structures and capacities for surveillance and response'. 23
These Regulations require governments to implement digital slavery, to oppressing their citizens in the name of 'public health' and most sinister of all, the possibility that the brutal, corrupt UN police force will be out on the streets everywhere, enforcing this global medical tyranny. 24
The ultimate end game is the implementation of UN Agenda 2030, another form of war against the West, wrapped up in the pretense of caring about climate change. 25
Covid-19 has provided a gateway for the power mad tyrants of the UN and WHO to enforce their collective Green Agenda.26
The Pandemic Treaty is also a handy way for the UN to crush any protest against its Agenda 2030, leaving it free to impose a global governance system based on socialism/fascism. 27 28
It matters not who the next British Prime Minister will be, for they will not be in charge. 29The government's capitulation to the punitive Pandemic Treaty is proof of this.
Parliament no longer represents the interests of the British people but of those who have declared war on the West, and on our freedoms, our Judeo-Christian ethos, and democratic system. Politicians in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords are guilty of gross human rights violations, crimes against humanity, and an unprecedented, treacherous betrayal of the once great British people.
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